Hospital Services
The New Jersey Equine Clinic offers inpatient hospital services to meet the needs of a wide range of performance and pleasure horses. Our facility is staffed by board-certified veterinarians who are supported by a dedicated and highly trained technical and administrative personnel.
Our hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic and surgical equipment and our veterinarians are recognized leaders in the fields of equine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Hospital Services Include:
Orthopedic Surgery: Orthopedic conditions are one of the most common causes of lameness and poor performance in horses. Many of these conditions are the result of injury or trauma, while others are caused by genetics, diet, development or simply the result of normal usage over time. The surgeons at the New Jersey Equine Clinic employ sophisticated imaging and treatment modalities to manage orthopedic conditions of our patients. A wide range of orthopedic disorders are routinely treated at the New Jersey Equine Clinic, including fracture repairs, osteochondrosis or osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions, flexural and angular limb deformities, infections/wounds, tendon and ligament injuries, and hoof disorders.
Soft Tissue Surgery: One of our state-of-the-art surgical suites is devoted to orthopedic procedures while the other is used primarily for soft tissue surgery. Soft tissue surgical procedures commonly performed at the New Jersey Equine Clinic include upper airway surgeries (prosthetic laryngoplasty or tieback surgery, laryngohyoid reduction or tieforward surgery, partial arytenoidectomy, sternothyroideus myotenectomy or Llewellyn procedure, epiglottic entrapment), bone flap sinusotomy, cryptorchid and routine castration, hernia repair (umbilical, inguinal, scrotal), mass removal, bladder stone removal, cervical laceration repair, and recto-vaginal fistula repair, permanent tracheostomy, and dental extraction.
Laser Surgery: Surgery with lasers was first introduced in human medicine in 1960 with equine surgeons adopting this technology in the 1980’s. Our surgeons routinely use a diode laser with an endoscopic fiber optic delivery system to perform minimally invasive surgery of the upper airway and caudal reproductive tract in horses. Correction of common upper airway disorders such as epiglottic entrapment, axial deviation of the aryepiglottic folds, ventriculocordectomy, removal of arytenoid granulomas, and thermoplastic cautery of the soft palate are common examples minimally invasive laser surgeries. Palmar digital neurectomy (denerving procedure) and endoscopic assisted laser ablation of uterine cysts are other clinical applications where the diode laser has reduced patient morbidity and improved clinical outcomes in our patients.
Standing Surgery: Standing surgical procedures in horses have become more popular in recent years. Complications associated with general anesthesia and recovery can be avoided and costs for the procedure are typically reduced. Minimally invasive surgical approaches and enhancements in diagnostic imaging capabilities have made it possible to perform a variety of surgical procedures with the horse sedated and using local anesthesia. The type of surgical lesion, anatomical location, patient compliance, facility and staffing resources, and surgeon preference are some of the main factors determining the surgical approach taken. Some of the more common standing surgical procedures performed at New Jersey Equine Clinic include non-displaced fracture repair, selective arthroscopic procedures of the fetlock joint, palmar digital neurectomy, wound or laceration repair, hoof wall resection and avulsion, deep digital flexor tenotomy, select upper respiratory tract disorders, as well as disorders of the caudal reproductive tract.

Endometrial cyst laser ablation