Ambulatory Services
The New Jersey Equine Clinic is primarily an equine referral hospital. Over many years, we have developed strong referral relationships with veterinians throughout the Mid Atlantic region. While the bulk of our professional services are provided at our facility, our veterinarians do provide unique ambulatory services that compliment those provided by our colleagues in the field. These services include consultations, follow-up examinations on our patients, and special diagnostic examinations such as dynamic respiratory endoscopy. Additional ambulatory procedures can be arranged on an individual basis.
New Jersey Equine Clinic veterinarians are always available for professional consultations to horse owners, trainers and referring veterinarians. We regularly review numerous imaging studies, including radiographs, ultrasonographs, and other less-common imaging modalities, including scintigraphic and MRI studies. Our veterinarians provide second opinions regarding surgical options. With more than 30 years of experience in diagnosing and treating injuries of performance horses, our veterinarians provide a unique perspective for understanding the conditions affecting your horse and the performance requirements of your stable. We see our role as members of your stable's health care team. We make your concerns our highest priority.
Follow Up Examinations:
New Jersey Equine Clinic veterinarians make regular follow-up visits to racetracks, stables and training centers to evaluate horses previously treated at our hospital. Should you have any concerns with a horse that has been treated at the New Jersey Equine Clinic, please call the office to make an appointment for a follow-up examination.